Beginning the Journey of Self Mastery

Above the temple at Delphi it was written, “Know Thyself.” Ours is a world that has forgotten this advice- this is a land gone blind. Ancients, wise men, and the teachers of old have spoken these words, words which today go unheard. Now, no longer are we in the times of sages and mystics. Gone today are the prophets, and messiahs. The veil has been torn, and no more are those who would lead us from ignorance towards the truth. We are leaderless, masterless, and alone.
What is one to do in the face of this cold reality? Many are the paths provided, dry and paved by time. Would you prostrate yourself before the priests, preaching hypocrisy and proselytizing dead dogmas of dead gods? Would you pledge yourself to the tyrants, sacrificing sacred liberty for the security of a cage? Would you put yourself on the market, selling your soul for hollow possessions and wealth? Would you give yourself to your whims, chasing fleeting pleasures and fleeing the burden of responsibility? Would you lose yourself in the mob, never to question or think? Would you surrender yourself before your fear, and cower before the Truth of Life?
Or would you seek another way?
As a wise man once said, “Truth is a pathless land.” There is no clear trail, the signs are fallen, and the landmarks are few and far between. However, there is no other road by which to reach the destination, and even those who have been there can only take you so far. The voyage belongs solely to the Seeker. The prize can only be claimed alone.
This is the journey of self-mastery.
Image Credit: (Ruben Garcia Jr./CC BY 2.0)